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Classical concerts featuring
Sinan Vural


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New Arrivals

These concerts featuring Sinan Vural became visible lately at ConcertPulse.

Artistic depiction of the event

KCOV Excelsior: St Matthew Passion

Sun, Apr 13, 2025, 19:30
KCOV Excelsior, Florilegium Musicum, barokorkest, Gerrit Maas (Conductor), Marijn Zwitserlood (Christus), Erik Janse (Evangelist), Linde Schinkel (Soprano), Lien Haegeman (Alto), Milan Faas (Tenor), Sinan Vural (Bass), Gerrie Meijers (Basso continuo), Peter Ouwerkerk (Basso continuo), Kinderkoor van de Kathedrale Koorschool Utrecht
The Concertgebouw is right at the heart of Dutch music. That is why we love to welcome the best amateur orchestras and choirs of the Netherlands. To an amateur musician a performance at the Concertgebouw is always special, often marking the end of an extensive period of rehearsals. Please note: although these concerts are of a high standard, they are not performed by professional ensembles.

Upcoming Concerts

Concerts featuring Sinan Vural in season 2024/25 or later

April 13, 2025
Artistic depiction of the event

KCOV Excelsior: St Matthew Passion

Sun, Apr 13, 2025, 19:30
KCOV Excelsior, Florilegium Musicum, barokorkest, Gerrit Maas (Conductor), Marijn Zwitserlood (Christus), Erik Janse (Evangelist), Linde Schinkel (Soprano), Lien Haegeman (Alto), Milan Faas (Tenor), Sinan Vural (Bass), Gerrie Meijers (Basso continuo), Peter Ouwerkerk (Basso continuo), Kinderkoor van de Kathedrale Koorschool Utrecht
The Concertgebouw is right at the heart of Dutch music. That is why we love to welcome the best amateur orchestras and choirs of the Netherlands. To an amateur musician a performance at the Concertgebouw is always special, often marking the end of an extensive period of rehearsals. Please note: although these concerts are of a high standard, they are not performed by professional ensembles.